Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th, 2007

In eighty-plus years, I have observed many 4th of Julys. In my early years it was picnics and shooting off fire crackers. Later after joining the army and being wounded, I knew I was fighting for "something" but I wasn't real sure what it was. An enemy had to be destroyed I guess. I remember marching in a parade in Houston, Texas and I felt proud to be wearing the uniform of the U.S. Army and a tingle went up my spine as I passed the American flag.

It has not been until recent years I have come to appreciate what "Old Glory" and the Statue of Liberty really mean. Freedom! Freedom costs. From the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW I, WW II, Viet Nam, and Korea men have died. Freedom costs! And now Iraq! Men and women are still dying for that cause. Freedom costs!

Now we are fighting a different war, an enemy we cannot see and don't know when or where they will attack. But "Old Glory" will still continue to wave. The freedom to worship, freedom to go where we want, freedom to express our ideas even though others disagree, these freedoms will still remain as a top priority. I complain about a lot of things but when people funnel those thoughts into violent action!!! Freedom is not free. One of the freedoms these complainers have is the right to leave but seldom exercise this freedom.

Thank God for our founding fathers. May we always wave the flag.

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